Thursday, May 22, 2008


Today is Anna Elaine's 1st birthday. We are trying to stay happy around here. Getting the TA(travel approval) would be the perfect birthday present, come on God!!

I guess at least we know that it will be soon when we can hold her and kiss her and start sharing our love with her.

Speaking of sharing, I have been writing a journal for Anna chronicling this process for her. I imagine that when she is 9 or 10 she will enter her first "adoption identity crisis". I want her to be able to look back with me and see what we were thinking and how other people felt about her adoption. It's already shaping up to be a book of amazing tesitmony to the power of prayer.

There is a Chinese custom (so I've been told) of making a "100 wishes quilt" for a new baby. Many adoptive moms go nuts asking people to send fabric and wishes and put it together in a quilt for their new child. I don't do that. I don't even love quilts at all. They get dusty and dust makes me sneeze. SO, I'm asking for people to send Anna birthday wishes and I will add them to my journal for her. It can be a prayer or verse or whatever you feel like saying.

For non-bloggers, you can send it to me by clicking on the "comments" below this paragraph and typing something into the box that pops up. You don't have to be a blogger to do it, just choose anonymous but sign your name into the note.

Thanks so much!! We love you Anna! Sam cried the other night at bedtime because he "misses you so, so, so much!" Happy birthday, baby girl!


Alan said...

Happy Birthday Anna,
Even though we have not had a chance to hold you, we can extend our love to you from half way around the world. As your soon-to-be grandparents, we are so very excited to see and hold our very first granddaughter. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers ever day and night. We are praying every day that you will be coming soon from China to Texas to live with your new family. Happy Birthday! We love you!

Mimi and Pops

Unknown said...

A Very Happy Birthday to you, Anna!!

Baby Anna, we've being praying for you before we even knew that you existed! We can't wait to hold you, hug you, kiss you, share you, love you and to celebrate many birthdays with you. You are a very special gift from God to your amazing parents and three very handsome protective brothers.

Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the LORD, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"

Happy Birthday and Much Love,
Joshua, Holly and Baby Jude Gibson

Susan said...

Sweet Anna,

Happy Birthday! What a special day! It's our granddaughter's fifth birthday today, as well as your first! Is that cool or what? God knew that, just like He knew the precious family He picked out just for you. And even though we have yet to hold you, we trust that you are perfect for each other, because He is perfect and doesn't make mistakes. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Susan and George Crosby

The Powell Family said...

Hey Anna! What a blessed little girl you are-so loved even before any of us meet you! God is so good and so huge that he connected you with your forever family all the way on the other side of His Earth. Wow! We can't wait to be a part of your life and watch you grow as your Mommy, Daddy, and three brothers love you to the Lord. You are precious, and we look forward to getting to know you, Anna Sneller!
Happy Birthday!
Love, The Powells

Monica said...

Happy birthday, Anna, I won't hit you or punch you-- Sam

We love you Anna, hope you get presents-- Daniel

Is she getting barbies?-- Jonathan

From your big brothers

qidaoren said...

Happy birthday Anna, how cute and lucky you are:) May someday you understand how deep is this love from your mum and dad, how grrrrreat is the grace that God has shown in your life. Hope one day we can see you and hug you.

Shi Hao & Xiao Lei

tpot said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANNA!!! We don't know you but have met your through pictures and your mommy's words. We have been praying for you for quite some time now. We know your mommy and daddy love you very much and cannot wait to hold you and comfort you. May you have a very blessed and wonderful birthday. May you always know how very much you are loved by the Father.

Micah and Tania Lichtenstein
Leander, Texas

headlesschickie said...

Anna banna bobanna bananafanna fofanna, mi mi momanna, Aaaan-na,

Happy first birthday, (a little late)! You don't know it yet, but you are so loved on your birthday. By next year, you will definitely know, and will probably be clever enough to say 'I love you' back!

The Lord did pick the perfect family for you. (I'm a little jealous even. Just teasing.) And you get to be a Texan...bonus!

The Dagleys

RandomMusings said...

Happy Birthday Anna Elaine! What an incredibly rich heritage you have with your new family! Your daddy used to babysit my kiddos when they were just about the age you are now. We can't wait to meet you. I pray you will always have a tender heart for Jesus, and know that He loves you so! Happy Birthday!
The Otto's