Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Daddy's Girl!

This morning we spent doing paperwork and interviews. We promised several times to never abandon Anna and to take good care of her. She did a great job hanging out in offices and in our car, mostly in the Baby Bjorn on Daddy's chest. Anna has decided she likes her Daddy and thinks he is very funny, even when he plays rough with her. A good thing because our house is pretty rough. The best laughs came from making her dance.

She is a sweet, chill baby except when she is mad. So far, today has been great. She has been eating and taking her bottle. Guess I better learn how to make congee, especially the kind with the 1000 year eggs, the nasty grey green eggs.

On a deep note, the orphanage brought us the clothes she was wearing when she was found, pictures of the building where she was found, and my journal of questions filled with answers. The most touching we read last night was how thankful they were that we were going to love her and give her a great family and life. They were really worried about her that she might not survive her condition and surgery. We think she is doing well and are hopeful that she won't need anymore surgery, but we will have to wait and see. So far, she's eating well and acting sweet. She is very curious and observant. We are so grateful to be her parents and grateful to the orphanage for giving her the ability to be loved. Nice giggles while dancing with Daddy.

Asleep while at the notary office.
Mommy can get smiles too! Love the tongue!


Holly Gibson said...

How sweet is that. She looks perfect! Love all the bows and glad you don't have to glue them :)

The Powell Family said...

I am reading this through happy tears! You guys look like you belong together-like Anna has been a Sneller from the beginning. And of course, all that is true. Love you guys!

Allison said...

Congratulations!!! Olivia just called to tell me the good news and sent me the link to the blog. She is ADORABLE.

steph alynn said...

WOW! I cant wait to see her feisty-ness with her brothers! She'll need a little obstinance to fit right in. It sounds to me that she already takes after Mommy in that regards, but the rough and tumble is definitely her daddy's trait. Love the overalls!

Jenn said...

oooh, she's adorable! She's clearly a God-given Sneller fit. We are so happy to see her with you!