Friday, June 13, 2008

We are in China

Well, we made it to China.  It was a smooth flight and our luggage all made it.  So far so good.

We are staying with some good friends in Beijing and we'll head to Shanghai this evening. Last night as we were heading out to dinner, the largest thunderstorm we have ever seen in China, broke lose.  It was just like the craziest flashfloods in Houston.   That didn't keep us from the best Chinese food we've had in a long time.   We drove through intersections where the red lights weren't working.   In the states, everyone would stop and try to take turns, here, it was everyone plow into the intersection at the same time and see if you  can get through.  Chris walked  back with our friend and they waded through knee deep water.  Hopefully, we won't see anymore crazy nasty weather like that on our trip.

48 hours until we get Anna!! 


The Powell Family said...

Yea! I will be jumping for joy with the boys in the morning! (at Inflatable zone :) ) We love you and can't wait to meet Anna Sneller!

Uncle Alan said...

Great to see your post! Hope you are dried out by now. The boys are looking forward to Bethany's party at The Inflatable Zone. Mark & Stephanie will drop by later after seeing Lillie's new boy. Can't wait to see those first pics of Baby Anna. We all love you!

Mimi & Pops

Unknown said...

Its just a few hours now until you get to hold little Anna! I hope you'll get a chance to at least post pics afterwards. We're thinking of you...